Audio & Video Transcription
Transcription is the conversion of spoken words into written words. There are many ways we can transcribe something, as well as combine transcription with translation or interpretation. Below are some examples which can help you better understand how to utilize transcription services.
Since 1973 thousands of companies and individuals have trusted DTS to get their message across in any language
flexible transcription services
We know that different projects have different requirements, so which option best describes your needs?
Language “A” -> Language “A”
I have an audio or video file and need a transcript in the same languages as the one spoken in the file.
Language “A” -> Language “B”
I have an audio or video file and need a transcript in another language.
Double Column
Language “A” -> Language “A”
I have an audio or video file and need a transcript in the same language and in another language.
Industries we serve
Life Sciences & Medical
Technical & Manufacturing
Financial & Legal
When doing research in diverse communities, it’s essential to take your participants’ language preferences and practices into account. At DTS, we make sure that our transcriptionists are fluent in the language of your recording and understand cultural nuance. No matter the language, DTS provides accurate, affordable and timely transcription services for qualitative research, business, academia and legal/law enforcement. Since 1973, we’ve supported businesses, marketing and market research firms, public health organizations, and academia to transcribe foreign language research and ensure effective data analysis, including:
- Focus groups
- Ethnography
- In-depth interviews
- Participant observation
- Mobile journeying and diaries
- Phone surveys
- Intercept interviews & surveys
- Narrative analysis
- Role play & simulation
Quality control, responsiveness, and reliability for every project, large or small, are the key reasons that clients choose us time and time again. We provide free quotations and maintain strict confidentiality for all translation projects.
The DTS Difference
Our on-time delivery rate is over 95%. You won’t have to worry if your transcription will be late or full of errors. You can count on our proven reliability.
We know you have many demands on your time. All quote requests are sent back within 24 hours. Most are sent back the same business day.
For over 45 years we’ve been delivering accurate, certified translations & transcriptions. We’ve completed over a 100,000 projects and that number grows everyday.
Meet your federal agency contracting goals
In addition to the above benefits, working with a small translation agency can help your organization satisfy its small business set-aside requirements. If you receive federal funding (e.g., from the NIH, which falls under the Federal Department of Health and Human Services) to conduct a clinical trial, for instance, you must distribute a portion of spending to small businesses, like DTS.
Keep in mind that if you do contract with the government, you may be audited and required to show documentation proving you have partnered with small business specialists. If you do not meet this requirment, you will need to fill out a lot of paperwork justifying what you did or did not do in order to find a small business partner. So, hiring a small translation agency is not only a smart business move, it will help you avoid fees and penalties imposed by the government.
If you are looking for document translation or localization, contact us for a quote. We would be honored to partner with you for any of your language needs!
Some kind words about our translation services
Regulatory Affairs Mgr.
“DTS did an excellent job with translations for us. I would highly recommend DTS Language Services to any pharma/medical device colleagues. Your company did a cost-effective, and excellent job translating and providing translation certificates.”
Associate Project Admin.
“I really appreciate you being to accommodate this request, especially for our biggest client. I am trying to highlight your great customer service and turnaround time on this project to them so that they can see what an amazing vendor you are and want to choose you in the future.”
Manager, Reg. Affairs
“You are our preferred provider of translations. We appreciate your timely service and competitive quotes and we are very happy with your service. The DTS customer portal is specifically very nice to work with as it is easy to submit a quote request and track our progress.”
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